
Laura Bates.Resume.AD  (If you do not like the view below, click the link and the PDF version will come up.) Thank you.Resume

PATF Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force

This is a  Facebook page I created for the non profit organization, Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force. Picture 2It is a great cause that encourages residents of Pittsburgh to get tested for AIDS and also to be a part of helping those who have been diagnosed. If you’d like to read more about the organization or get involved your self, here is the link to their main website:

Senior Project

These are some Ads from my Senior Project. Also here is the description. Overview:
To create awareness for recycling in the residential areas of Mt Washington and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. To increase recycling in the neighborhoods of Mt Washington which will be a small step to improve recycling around all sections of Pittsburgh, such as, South Side, North Side, South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, Oakland, etc. The main goal is to take that next step to make it visibly easier to recycle. So that residents of Mt. Washington don’t have to go out of their to recycle. Making it something easy and simple to accomplish as a part of daily habit.

Tone and Image:

I’m going to make ads and Flyers that will catch my generations eye. Create some humor in the ads and relate them to not being part of the problem but part of the solution. Giving them all the proper information available to act and recycle. Making the public aware it’s not a chore and just as easy to throw it in the other bag. One of the phrases I’d like to use is “Blue Bag it”, while also using Japanese manner posters as my inspiration for the Ads/Flyers. Which will be distributed in all the local places College Students go on Mt. Washington. Recycling_flyer1Flier #1

Rycycling_Flyer2Flier #2

RecyclingAd_3Flier #3 using the idea from Japanese Manner Posters.


MagnetsThese Magnets would be distributed door to door, with complimentary blue bags to encourage recycling. This was presented as my final project to all Faculty in the Advertising Dept.

PCIV Project Mock Folder

By:  Tashawna Rodgers

By: Tashawna Rodgers

This is a really nice mock folder made by one of the members in my group for a Special Projects class. We presented it to the non-profit organization the Pittsburgh Council for International Visitors. They were looking for a low budget campaign to increase volunteers for this great cause.

Here’s a little more about them, PCIV provides tailored itineraries that include mutually beneficial professional meetings as well as casual dinners, discussions, and excursions with community volunteers. Additionally, PCIV provides orientations to the city and offers services to international students, scholars, researchers, and their families. Since its inception in 1959, PCIV’s services have made it possible for more than 68,000 visiting internationals to connect with tens of thousands of people living in the Pittsburgh region.

I hope after reading this you may be encouraged to participate in some way. It’s a great learning experience for us as well as the international visitors that come to visit this great city! I thought this would be an appropriate post since the G20 is going to be making it’s appearance here in Pittsburgh soon.

Group Project for BBQ Sauce Campaign

This is an older project I had about two years ago. I am pretty proud of the concepts we came up with for it. So here are some of the Ads we created. The campaign was geared toward selling the sauce in Pittsburgh. Hope you like them!

Jonsen PosterJonsen poster 2Jonsen Poster 3

Jonsen Van2 < This is a Van idea to promote the sauce with Samples for tailgating at football games. Go Steelers!